Young Rudy Matz was in the thick of the action at the most decisive naval battle of World War II. His story frames...
Hear His Story →In 1947, a captured World War II German V-2 rocket was launched from the flight deck of the USS Midway...
Hear His Story →In their own words, the story of four incredible military aviators, including one who flew from the deck...
Hear His Story →Navy fighter pilot Paul Ilg’s world went from ordinary to extraordinary when a Vietnam combat mission became a test of sheer...
Hear His Story →Midway played a leading role in the amazing rescue operation that saved thousands of people at the end of the Vietnam War...
Hear His Story →You need 120,000 gallons of aviation fuel and 120,000 gallons of diesel fuel, and you need it fast. Also, you’re thousands of miles away...
Hear His Story →Keep your head on a swivel: wise words for those working in Flight Ops on the USS Midway. Here, young men worked on the edge...
Hear His Story →Cramming an entire city into an aircraft carrier is no small feat. Add the citizens, 4,000 19-year-olds from everywhere you can imagine, and things get really interesting.
Hear His Story →As workplaces go, the USS Midway was one of the more intense, and dangerous, of all time...
Hear His Story →Just who is in charge of a floating city? What qualities should captains of a huge aircraft carrier possess? What kind of grace under pressure...
Hear His Story →Over its 47 year career, the aircraft carrier USS Midway became one of the most famous ships in the United States Navy. Commissioned just...
Hear This Story →On August 23, 1958 the communist-led Chinese forces launched a massive artillery barrage of two small islands off the coast of Taiwan, where...
Hear This Story →Considered by many to be the 30 most dangerous hours on board the aircraft carrier USS Midway, Operation Frequent Wind was one of the largest...
Hear This Story →Over the 47 years serving in the United States Navy, the USS Midway was active for the entire length of the Cold War with the Soviet Union.
Hear This Story →While the United States and the Soviet Union engaged in an ‘Invisible War’ regional players took advantage of the vacuum this created. Enter Saddam Hussein.
Hear This Story →After 47 years of legendary service in the United States Navy, it was time for the USS Midway to face its final challenge… retirement.
Hear This Story →The combat missions seemed endless. First, he and his co-pilot shot down two North Vietnamese fighter jets only minutes apart...
Hear His Story →He was responsible for all the supplies aboard a floating city of 4,500 voracious young men. From eggs to pens to equipment weighing tons...
Hear His Story →As Saigon collapsed around her, she and her family ran to a rescue helicopter destined for the USS Midway. Stephanie experienced firsthand...
Hear Her Story →The shortest flight of his career was over in “10 or 15 seconds” — when a botched catapult launch dumped Herb Zoehrer's aircraft...
Hear His Story →He defied the odds to make sure that Navy aircrews could rely on their 75 planes during combat missions...
Hear His Story →The son of a fisherman, he was an enlisted man who “came up the hawsepipe” to become Chief Warrant Officer aboard Midway...
Hear His Story →